A conference focused on diverse topics within the information technology field. This conference will bring together IT specialists and companies from around the globe to connect, share insights, and have an amazing experience.
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Thursday, November 21

9:55am CET

OpenTelemetry from the Trenches: a song of Traces and Spans
Thursday November 21, 2024 9:55am - 10:55am CET
There are plenty of talks on Observability and OpenTelemetry that are trying to convince you to jump on the bandwagon. But what happens when you actually do buy into it? What opportunities are there, and what challenges will you face? And most importantly: is it all actually worth the effort

At my customer, we moved our entire stack from Application Insights to OpenTelemetry and DataDog. That means 100+ services deployed on a variety of platforms, from IaaS Virtual Machines running websites in IIS to Azure App Services, Azure Function Apps and Azure Container Apps, all backed by various other Azure components. We defined SLA's, added monitoring and alerting and fundamentally changed the way we handled outages.

If you've never heard of Observability or OpenTelemetry this probably isn't the session for you. But if you want to hear a somewhat grizzled developer talk about his experiences with helping to move a whole organization and its technical stack forward along the path of Observability, this is one you can't miss.
avatar for Jesper De Temmerman

Jesper De Temmerman

.NET developer with a strong interest in cloud-based architecture and design.
Thursday November 21, 2024 9:55am - 10:55am CET
Room 2 Groenendaallaan 394, 2030 Antwerpen

9:55am CET

The PAAS Operator: Your Ticket Out of Tech Ticket Hell
Thursday November 21, 2024 9:55am - 10:55am CET

The Dutch Tax Office faces a massive hurdle: modernizing their legacy technology stack. HCS tackled this challenge head-on, not just by implementing OpenShift-based solutions, but by focusing on team enablement and scalability. The result was the birth of the PAAS Operator, a game-changer for self-service DevOps at scale.

Key Points:

- The Challenge: Bridging the tech gap for a complex, large-scale organization.
- The Journey: From hands-on enablement to streamlined automation and self-service.
- The Innovation: The PAAS Operator simplifies platform management, empowering DevOps teams with standard configurations for Tekton, Grafana, SSO, ArgoCD, and more.
- Demo Time: See the PAAS Operator in action!
- Community Call: We've open-sourced the PAAS Operator! Join us in building and extending its capabilities beyond OpenShift. (DISCLAIMER, by the time it is November it should be opensource)

Why Attend?

- Discover how to empower your DevOps teams for long-term - success.
- Learn best practices for scaling technology initiatives within large organizations.
- See how self-service can revolutionize platform management.
- Explore the PAAS Operator and contribute to its open-source future.

Let us know if you'd like any refinements!
avatar for Benoit Schipper

Benoit Schipper

HCS Company
I am the Field-CTO within a Dutch IT Company called HCS (Helping Clients Succeed). As a consultant I have been involved with many Kubernetes, DevOps and SRE Implementations with both the private and government sector within the Benelux region. I also wrote a book on SRE and how it... Read More →
Thursday November 21, 2024 9:55am - 10:55am CET
Room 1 Groenendaallaan 394, 2030 Antwerpen

9:55am CET

Road to Succes with Open Source AI infrastructure
Thursday November 21, 2024 9:55am - 10:55am CET
AI is changing the way our teams of developers and infrastructure teams work with data. But what do you really need at the back-end to use and build AI models? Which building blocks can the Open Source world bring to the table and do we really need to start from scratch or can we stand on the shoulders of giants.

This presentation explores how Kubernetes-based platforms provide a robust infrastructure for deploying and managing AI applications at scale. We will delve into key open-source tools and frameworks integrated with OpenShift AI, such as TensorFlow, PyTorch, and Apache Spark, and demonstrate how they accelerate AI development and deployment.

Additionally we'll have a look at Vector databases and their use in the AI infrastructure space.
avatar for Peter Dens

Peter Dens

Managing Director, Kangaroot
Peter's economic background & passion for IT were the base for the foundation of Kangaroot in 2000. Throughout the time Kangaroot has grown to be the biggest Open Source & Linux Service Provider in Belgium. With his experience as System Engineer, Peter has both the technical knowledge... Read More →
Thursday November 21, 2024 9:55am - 10:55am CET
Room 4 Groenendaallaan 394, 2030 Antwerpen

11:00am CET

A Safari Through Code: Exploring the Wild World of Ark UI Components!
Thursday November 21, 2024 11:00am - 11:20am CET
Embark on a thrilling journey into the heart of code with Ark UI, a headless library designed for building reusable, scalable Design Systems.

Together, we'll explore the unexplored territories of headless UI, navigate the versatility of Ark UI's components, and learn how to style them seamlessly with your preferred styling system. Prepare to unearth the secrets of crafting enduring design systems and UI's, tailored for diverse clients or teams utilizing different technology stacks.

So, grab your fedora, dust off your whip, and join us on this thrilling coding expedition!
avatar for Sybren Willemot

Sybren Willemot

Sybren has been a front-end developer for several years and is currently employed at Euricom in Belgium. He is a dedicated member of the Chakra UI clan, primarily focusing on the Vue aspects of projects like Ark UI and Chakra UI Vue.He takes pleasure in organizing BEL Vue meetups... Read More →
Thursday November 21, 2024 11:00am - 11:20am CET
Room 4 Groenendaallaan 394, 2030 Antwerpen

11:00am CET

From Docker zero to hero with Portainer.io
Thursday November 21, 2024 11:00am - 11:20am CET
Containers are weird, and I don't get them. Why perform some weird voodoo magic when you can simply install everything bare-metal like I've always been doing? Docker is a scary word that I tried to avoid as long as possible.

Until my parents-in-law asked me if I wanted to revamp their network. So I needed a controller for the hardware. They also wanted a Home Assistant install. And a PiHole to get rid of those pesky ads. And an NVR for the security camera they wanted to install in their shed... And who knows what else they want in the future?

The hardware? A simple Raspberry Pi.
The goal? All of the above requirements and more.

Embark with me on a journey where I went from skeptic to believer, and where I used Docker for the first time in my life with Portainer.
avatar for Matthias van den Elsacker

Matthias van den Elsacker

I started out my IT Career as all-round IT support for small to medium-sized businesses. After a few years I joined Axxes IT Consultancy in 2014, where I still work today as a System and Network Engineer.Today, I am primarily working with Cisco networking equipment. Past experiences... Read More →
Thursday November 21, 2024 11:00am - 11:20am CET
Room 1 Groenendaallaan 394, 2030 Antwerpen

11:00am CET

Performance- and load testing with K6
Thursday November 21, 2024 11:00am - 11:20am CET
In an ever growing world of data and a continuously increasing amount of services being used; the need for a reliable and clear performance testing framework rises. Although many solutions are available in the current technological landscape, many either require expensive licenses or fall short when it comes to test adaptability or reporting visibility. In this talk I will discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the open-source performance testing solution that is K6. Taking a look at its testing capabilities, integration in pipelines and reporting options.
avatar for Matthias Van Limbergen

Matthias Van Limbergen

QA Engineer at Axxes
Thursday November 21, 2024 11:00am - 11:20am CET
Room 2 Groenendaallaan 394, 2030 Antwerpen

11:00am CET

Toegankelijkheid, we maken een product voor iedereen
Thursday November 21, 2024 11:00am - 11:20am CET
We duiken in toegankelijkheid principes en hoe het ons allen beïnvloedt. Toegankelijkheid is veel meer dan alleen fysieke hellingen en drempels - het gaat om het wegnemen van barrières, zodat iedereen volledig kan deelnemen aan onze samenleving en digitale wereld.

We gaan in op de basisprincipes van toegankelijkheid en we bekijken tips en bronnen hoe we een product voor iedereen kunnen maken.

Dit is zeker ook geschikt voor niet technische profielen.
avatar for Jochem Janssens

Jochem Janssens

Mobile App Developer bij Ketnet en VRT Max
Thursday November 21, 2024 11:00am - 11:20am CET
Room 3 Groenendaallaan 394, 2030 Antwerpen

11:50am CET

Defeat the chaos in Container Security
Thursday November 21, 2024 11:50am - 12:50pm CET
In this talk we will look at securing your container workflow and all the overlooked governance behind this. All these aspects next to the technical parts that will be adressed It can be complex and cumbersum to set this up. How to get all guidelines and people into the same(sometimes)right direction.
avatar for Kees Zwart

Kees Zwart

Started many years ago in IT, doing all kinds of techniques and have been consulting in many companies, from tech level to design. Mostly listening for pain points to be resolved.
Thursday November 21, 2024 11:50am - 12:50pm CET
Room 4 Groenendaallaan 394, 2030 Antwerpen

11:50am CET

Unlocking Observability with Grafana
Thursday November 21, 2024 11:50am - 12:50pm CET
Join us for an engaging session where we explore the powerful world of Grafana. We'll start with an overview of the diverse products and tools offered by Grafana, highlighting how they cater to various observability needs.

Dive into Grafana's "Big Tent" philosophy, which emphasizes inclusivity and flexibility, allowing seamless integration with over 100 data sources.

Finally, we'll showcase some of the latest and most exciting features recently announced, with practical demos to illustrate their capabilities in real-world scenarios.
avatar for Rien Valkenaers

Rien Valkenaers

Father of 2Senior System Engineer / Architect @ KangarootPlatform Engineer @ DPG Media
Thursday November 21, 2024 11:50am - 12:50pm CET
Room 2 Groenendaallaan 394, 2030 Antwerpen

11:50am CET

Belgian Innoptus Solar Team
Thursday November 21, 2024 11:50am - 12:50pm CET
Over 19 years ago, a team of passionate engineering students were eager to do more with their engineering degree. They set out to build the very first Belgian solar car, the Umicar One, and to participate in the World Solar Challenge, a race of 3021 kilometers through the Australian Outback.
To this day, that is still what we do: we build solar cars. We build solar cars to race them all over the world, but also to showcase the power of green energy and to prove that Belgian technologies are at the forefront of innovation.

By Wout Rubbrecht, team manager, and Isra Klaasen, Team Strategist.
Thursday November 21, 2024 11:50am - 12:50pm CET
Room 3 Groenendaallaan 394, 2030 Antwerpen

11:50am CET

Bridging On-Premises and Azure: handling the struggles of a hybrid azure environment
Thursday November 21, 2024 11:50am - 12:50pm CET
Setting up a hybrid environment presents its own set of challenges, with DNS serving as a cornerstone for infrastructure stability. Achieving seamless resolution between on-premises and Azure DNS zones is crucial. While historically, many applications were hosted on-premises, there’s been a recent trend of migrating them to Azure. Despite this shift, maintaining a standardized authentication method remains essential. Leveraging Entra ID authentication can provide a uniform login experience for both on-premises and Azure applications, enabling the implementation of Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) for on-premises applications as well. Entra-ID has it’s limitations with nested groups (enterprise-applications) what are the options and how can we get rid of this painfull issue?
Thursday November 21, 2024 11:50am - 12:50pm CET
Room 1 Groenendaallaan 394, 2030 Antwerpen

12:55pm CET

Becoming DevOps - Confessions of an enterprise dev
Thursday November 21, 2024 12:55pm - 1:15pm CET
DevOps is by now a widely accepted paradigm in Software engineering. As the realization that end-to-end ownership of an application consists of more than having push rights to the repository of both your backend and frontend is starting to settle in at even the most enterprisey of enterprises, you might start to feel lost on how to get started.

Are you feeling daunted by the idea of taking actual ownership? Or perhaps you've already recognized the benefits of taking charge of application delivery but find yourself entangled in the cogs of the software factory around you.

Join me as I guide you through my growth path from being a purely backend-focussed developer, to being the DevOps contact in my team.

I'll highlight key difficulties I've encountered and discoveries I've made along the way that helped me to achieve what I'm most passionate about: delivering better software, faster.
avatar for Cel Pynenborg

Cel Pynenborg

Java/Yaml Developer @ Axxes. Determined to deliver.
Thursday November 21, 2024 12:55pm - 1:15pm CET
Room 2 Groenendaallaan 394, 2030 Antwerpen

12:55pm CET

Platform Engineering AND/OR A Buffet served to Devs
Thursday November 21, 2024 12:55pm - 1:15pm CET
Do you want your devs to be able to deploy and their own VM's?
Self service, yes, please. Time saving for ops, big yes as well.
Let's have an architectural dive into the effort that was put into creating a Platform for Automated VM Deployment and Configuration Management
avatar for Stijn Maes

Stijn Maes

Linux/Devops/Platform (what's in a name) Engineer
Thursday November 21, 2024 12:55pm - 1:15pm CET
Room 1 Groenendaallaan 394, 2030 Antwerpen

12:55pm CET

How QA and developers “Should” work together
Thursday November 21, 2024 12:55pm - 1:15pm CET
Join us for an engaging and lighthearted exploration of the collaboration between developers and QA. Through entertaining anecdotes and delightful tales, we'll uncover the unique dynamics that unfold when these two essential teams unite.
avatar for Stanley Wong

Stanley Wong

QA Engineer, Axxes
We push all the buttons we can while the devs watch in horror.
avatar for Thomas Van Rhee

Thomas Van Rhee

Hello,I'm a 27 year old Java developer who enjoys his free time going to pub & playing (video)games, as well as developing stuff, drawing etc.
Thursday November 21, 2024 12:55pm - 1:15pm CET
Room 4 Groenendaallaan 394, 2030 Antwerpen

12:55pm CET

Colour your UX
Thursday November 21, 2024 12:55pm - 1:15pm CET
Let's take a dive into the world of colours in web design.

What do different colours mean? How to choose which colours to use in your website? What are things one needs to take into accord when choosing colours?
avatar for Joy Janssen

Joy Janssen

I am an Electronics-ICT graduate with a strong focus on web development, specialising in React. Passionate about UX, I leverage this expertise to deepen my frontend skills. Currently, I am exploring .NET as the next step in my journey to becoming a full-fledged full-stack develop... Read More →
Thursday November 21, 2024 12:55pm - 1:15pm CET
Room 3 Groenendaallaan 394, 2030 Antwerpen

2:15pm CET

Agile demand management (UWV customer case)
Thursday November 21, 2024 2:15pm - 3:15pm CET
Format: Customer case.
Client organization: UWV Data Services The Netherlands.
Topic: Agile.

Tech talk about organizing, implementing and coordinating agile process and tool (Jira Software Cloud) improvements for the purpose of demand management related to UWV source applications and data services. Objective: shortening the time to market of data products and services.
avatar for Remco Batelaan

Remco Batelaan

Remco Batelaan (1979) is a senior manager and has 18 years of ICT experience within Public Service in diverse roles: programme manager, project manager, scrum master, team lead, process manager, business/technology consultant and auditor. Experienced sparring partner for IT delivery... Read More →
Thursday November 21, 2024 2:15pm - 3:15pm CET
Room 3 Groenendaallaan 394, 2030 Antwerpen

2:15pm CET

Unraveling the k8s complexity for daily use… and introducing OpenShift
Thursday November 21, 2024 2:15pm - 3:15pm CET
Jochen walks you through the historic complexity of Kubernetes and provides you with tips and tricks to make your life easier. He explains common issues that Kubernetes users face and how to understand and solve them. Additionally, he explores the added value of OpenShift and how Red Hat aims to prevent these issues from occurring in the first place.
avatar for Jochen Maes

Jochen Maes

Jochen is a System Engineer enjoying both guiding companies on their Infrastructure As Code track as jumping in the trenches and automate himself. As Senior engineer @ Kangaroot he enjoys the full spectrum of the functions from managing projects/people/code!
Thursday November 21, 2024 2:15pm - 3:15pm CET
Room 1 Groenendaallaan 394, 2030 Antwerpen

2:15pm CET

Strategic Approaches to Implementing AI and LLM in Your Company
Thursday November 21, 2024 2:15pm - 3:15pm CET
Are you feeling overwhelmed by all the news about AI? Are you wondering if this hype will have an impact on your company? Are you unsure how to get started? This talk cuts through the noise.

The 'ChatGPT effect' is based on text generation, but there is so much more that can help you accelerate. We'll explore strategies for integrating AI and Large Language Models (LLMs) into your daily operations, drawing on real-world examples from our own experience.

I'll also cover what’s important for successful adoption and the critical aspect of change management. This requires you to consider infrastructure, ethical implications, data management, and onboarding for your team.

The goal of this talk is to help business leaders and technical decision-makers understand how AI can be useful for their companies and how to get ready for the future of business.
avatar for Lode Kennes

Lode Kennes

Lode is a passionate developer with a strong drive to keep learning.He's been developing .NET applications for years. Ranging from Web API's in .NET to mobile applications in React Native of infrastructure as code with Pulumi or Terraform. In his free time, he likes to spend his time... Read More →
Thursday November 21, 2024 2:15pm - 3:15pm CET
Room 4 Groenendaallaan 394, 2030 Antwerpen

3:20pm CET

Upping your resilience game (Being prepared for the moment that s&%^ hits the fan)
Thursday November 21, 2024 3:20pm - 3:40pm CET
Complex software systems will fail, that’s not a threat, merely a reality. Building resilience into those systems is not about trying to avoid failure at all cost, but about embracing failure and learning to handle failure when it occurs.

This talk focusses on changing mindset from building systems that are highly available by design towards building systems that are capable of tolerating failure. We can achieve this by applying the discipline of Chaos Engineering to learn from failure and continuously improve your system’s reliability.

You will learn the basic principles of resilient applications, the best practices of Chaos Engineering and how to get started and identify weaknesses in your applications before you’re paged out of bed at 4 AM.
avatar for Patrick van der Bleek

Patrick van der Bleek

Patrick is a Platform & Infrastructure Architect at HCS company.With over 25 years of IT experience he has developed a passion for Linux, Kubernetes and Open Source Solutions in general.Today he focusses on using those technologies to design platforms that solve real world challenges... Read More →
Thursday November 21, 2024 3:20pm - 3:40pm CET
Room 1 Groenendaallaan 394, 2030 Antwerpen

3:20pm CET

AI regulation and the wonderfool world of policy
Thursday November 21, 2024 3:20pm - 3:40pm CET
Ondertussen is AI een deel van ons dagelijks leven.
In deze talk heb ik het over hoe beleidsmakers met AI omgaan. Welke regels er gelden en wat er in de pipeline zit.

De talk zal ingaan op regels waaraan software ontwikkelaars, project managers en tech-bedrijven zich moeten houden bij het ontwikkelen en gebruiken van AI-toepassingen.
avatar for Lukas Petit

Lukas Petit

Question: "Hi ChatGPT, write me a short general description for my bio."Answer: "I am a curious individual with a zest for learning and a passion for connecting with diverse perspectives. I thrive on challenges, adapt easily to new situations, and find joy in creative expression... Read More →
Thursday November 21, 2024 3:20pm - 3:40pm CET
Room 4 Groenendaallaan 394, 2030 Antwerpen

3:20pm CET

Creating data visuals that will engage your audience
Thursday November 21, 2024 3:20pm - 3:40pm CET
Data is often too extensive to learn anything just by looking at the numbers. Instead, we need figures that showcase patterns and relationships in (groups of) data. When showing data, you want to make sure that your audience can easily see the message in these graphs and make correct interpretations. It is therefore super important to choose the right type of visual and colours that fit your data, and highlight the "so what" message. The ultimate goal is to stitch these visuals together in a consistent story that will drive further decisions and actions.
avatar for Pauline Depuydt

Pauline Depuydt

Lang getwijfeld om architectuur te studeren, maar uiteindelijk toch voor bio-ingenieur gekozen. Tijdens master thesis in contact gekomen met bio-informatica en tijdens doctoraat verder ervaring opgedaan rond data science in de context van kankeronderzoek bij UZ Gent. Sinds 2005* gefascineerd... Read More →
Thursday November 21, 2024 3:20pm - 3:40pm CET
Room 3 Groenendaallaan 394, 2030 Antwerpen

3:20pm CET

Bami Golang
Thursday November 21, 2024 3:20pm - 3:40pm CET
Starting from a c-style language (typescript), diving it common problems and solutions for them. Comparing them to other languages like go and rust, to better understand tradeoffs and maybe act as an eye opener for some
avatar for Tom Marien

Tom Marien

Father of 2 daughters, more than 20 years of developmentOld developer dinosaur, started as a kid in some way old dos version, typing over code from books and getting hooked to programming.There is no box - mindset
Thursday November 21, 2024 3:20pm - 3:40pm CET
Room 2 Groenendaallaan 394, 2030 Antwerpen

4:10pm CET

(Ab)Using CI/CD for self-service access requests
Thursday November 21, 2024 4:10pm - 5:10pm CET
Giving consultants access to customers internal documentation, infrastructure and secrets is a sensitive matter that we deal with regularly. Consultants need to get access quickly to be able to get up to speed and become productive for any given customer. Customers want to know who their data and infrastructure is exposed, and ensure access is limited to those that need it.

We've solved this issue in true DevOps fashion by leveraging the mechanisms behind Ansible, GitLab and CI/CD. Our implementation provides for an auditable self-service process that allows consultants to onboard themselves, while still ensuring all access is traceable. GIT ensures all changes are always logged and can be limited through the use of pull requests and approvals. Ansible provides the configuration management that allows us to provision the access for a new user in an automated fashion for a wide variety of tools.
avatar for Ruben de Smet

Ruben de Smet

Software Engineer, Systems Administrator, Solution Architect and Security Enthusiast. Ruben enjoys analyzing technical problems, finding a root cause, and solving them persistently.He specializes in Linux System Administration, Cloud Design and Management, Infrastructure Automation... Read More →
Thursday November 21, 2024 4:10pm - 5:10pm CET
Room 1 Groenendaallaan 394, 2030 Antwerpen

4:10pm CET

Mastering HTTP Security Headers: Best Practices, Tools, and Common Pitfalls
Thursday November 21, 2024 4:10pm - 5:10pm CET
In this talk, we'll take a close look at a variety of HTTP security headers. We'll discuss why these headers are important, the types of attacks they can help prevent, and share some best practices. We'll also introduce tools you can use to check if your application is configured correctly. Our discussion will include headers like HSTS, X-Frame-Options (XFO), Content-Type Options (CTO), Content Security Policy (CSP), Permission Policy, Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS), Cross-Origin Resource Policy (CORP), and Cross-Origin Read Blocking (CORB). Additionally, we'll point out some headers you should avoid using.
avatar for Michiel Olijslagers

Michiel Olijslagers

Michiel Olijslagers is a cyber security enthusiast with a keen interest in delivering secure web application through pragmatic solutions. As a consultant at Euricom, he frequently provides security training to software development teams and advises them on security strategies and... Read More →
Thursday November 21, 2024 4:10pm - 5:10pm CET
Room 4 Groenendaallaan 394, 2030 Antwerpen

4:10pm CET

How to write code that gets you fired: Taking performance optimization too far
Thursday November 21, 2024 4:10pm - 5:10pm CET
This talk will cover performance optimizations. Performance optimizations you're very unlikely to ever need. Performance optimizations you should probably not even consider. Performance optimizations that will get you fired. It will go lower down the stack than you'll probably ever need in your career, all for the sake of performance. For the sake of those juicy benchmark numbers, the slightly lower infrastructure bills, and the vague sense of superiority from knowing that your code runs just that little bit faster than everybody else's.
avatar for Dario De Backer

Dario De Backer

Started programming C# in 2013 (TI-Basic in 2012), enthralled by it ever since. I like both building and breaking software.
Thursday November 21, 2024 4:10pm - 5:10pm CET
Room 2 Groenendaallaan 394, 2030 Antwerpen
Tech Tribes Talks
From €169.00
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